Monday, February 27, 2006

The Stewart Consortium---A Pragmatist's Vision of Rules

I have couple rules, it is simple, that no strong profanity is to be used. If you cannot express it in a tone of civility, it need not be expressed. The other rule is, this is not a site for pornography, there are other sites which cater to that need. Otherwise, no subject is off limits, even racists may express themselves here, because after all, they are people too--sort of. But do not be surprised, if your ilk is chastised and demonized for your opinion. I believe you have the right to express your point of view, it does not mean it will be accepted.

Such views are needed for exposure, instead of secluded in the dark mushrooming; darkness breeds contempt and fear... Understand, however, when you write your blog that, it is and will subjected to ridicule and ostracization. Furthermore, such opinions are viewed, correctly, as ignorant and routed in fear. So, all are welcome to express their viewpoints, but understand that if it is too offensive that, I will report you to the proper authorities, if need be. One final point, that I will not allow any illegal activities within this website, and that we follow Code of Ethics which is currenly pulsing through the Internet for blogs; so, in essence subject to change.

When sending your Op-Ed's be sure to send it as an attachment. Thank You!

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